Finding Hope, Written by: Jamie Macintosh

December is the beginning of Advent, marking the start of the Church year and leading up to Christmas. Advent symbolizes the longing and expectation for the Messiah's arrival. Just as the people of Israel waited for the birth of the Savior, we as Christians today wait in hope for Christ’s return. Advent can be a time of waiting, hoping without knowing, and emptying so that the Presence of God can fill you. 

While embracing uncertainties can lead to unexpected joys, finding hope amidst life's difficulties, pains, and sufferings can be hard.   

December 7th is recognized in the United States as Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, commemorating the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. This pivotal event led to the United States entering World War II.  Following the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japanese Americans faced widespread suspicion, discrimination, and violations of their civil liberties. The U.S. government and much of the public viewed Japanese Americans as potential threats, leading to severe consequences for their communities. In 1942, the U.S. government issued Executive Order 9066, which authorized the forced relocation and internment of approximately 120,000 Japanese Americans from the West Coast to remote camps in interior parts of the country. These camps were located in desolate areas, such as deserts and swamps, surrounded by barbed wire, watchtowers, and armed guards. People were given very little time to pack up their belongings and were transported to these camps, where they lived in overcrowded and inadequate conditions. Japanese Americans experienced a wide range of emotions and reactions to their internment during World War II. Many were stunned by the sudden forced removal from their homes, jobs, and communities. Families feared for their safety and the future. Many felt betrayed by the U.S. government. It is hard to imagine finding hope during such uncertainty.

Romans 8:26 tells us that God understands the cries of our hearts‚ even when they're too deep for words. 

The Book of Matthew highlights an important moment in Jesus's early life. Found in Matthew 2:13-15, recounts Jesus's family’s flight to Egypt to escape the massacre of infants ordered by King Herod. After the visit of the Magi, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream, warning him of King Herod’s plan to kill the child Jesus. Herod, feeling threatened by the prophecy of a new "King of the Jews," ordered the massacre of all boys in Bethlehem under the age of two. In response to the angel's warning, Joseph took Mary and the baby Jesus and fled to Egypt, where they stayed until Herod’s death.

The flight to Egypt demonstrates divine intervention and protection and highlights God’s care for the infant Jesus and the unfolding of the messianic mission. God is sovereign over all things, and you can take refuge in him (Psalm 16). He is our refuge and strength and is always ready to help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1-3). 

Advent reminds me of God’s call to bring Him every yearning and longing. 

His reassurance that His silence is not His absence. 

That darkness might be our present reality, but the Light is coming.  

And that there is hope that can only be found in Jesus. 


January: National Human Trafficking Prevention Month - From Awareness to Meaningful Action 


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