GCWJ 2023-2024 In Review

2023 – 2024 was a big year for the Global Center for Women and Justice – not only for our team and students but for the army of volunteers and supporters who continue to spend their time and resources with us so we can make a difference in the fight to end human trafficking. Thank you for providing meaningful experiences for us this past year and for being a part of our incredible community. We are truly grateful. Please see below for our most notable highlights:  

In the coming year, your continued support will help send students to study human trafficking in Spain, to educate individuals in the community about taking smart, strategic action to prevent and end human trafficking, for survivors of human trafficking to receive an education, to allow additional professionals to earn an Anti-Human Trafficking Certificate, and to enable partnerships and programs to be bolstered in helping victims of trafficking and abuse. You are the reason we can continue our work to study the issues, be a voice, and make a difference. Please consider these events as you look to support the GCWJ in the coming year: 

Amplify – September 14, 2024, 9:30AM Balboa Bay Club Resort (register at: auctria.events/amplify24

Fair Trade Fashion Show – October 17, 2024, 7:00PM Vanguard University 

Vanguard Giving Day – November 7, 2024 (to support study abroad to Spain, more details to follow) 

Ensure Justice – March 7-8, 2025, 8:30AM Vanguard University 


Breaking the Silence for Boys


Free to Thrive