What is Live2Free?

We empower youth by raising awareness.

Live2Free empowers youth to end human trafficking through raising awareness at Vanguard University and with youth through Orange County, and beyond.Through peer-to-peer education, college members of Live2Free educate and train other youth, from Jr high, Senior high and college, about modern-day slavery, the risks of human trafficking, and the ways they can be involved in ending the demand for slavery.Live2Free students develop content that is youth-friendly, accessible and uses real-life scenarios and role-playing to help young people understand the real risks and facts of trafficking in Orange County and around the globe.Request a Live2Free team to come train your youth group or class today!Live2Free also hosts many events at Vanguard University for the student body and Community to educate and celebrate ways to fight exploitation and slavery, and become more ethical consumers.

Who We Are

Live2Free is a student-led, campus club that stands against the injustice of human trafficking that takes place here in the United States and around the world. Live2free started at Vanguard University but has expanded to other high schools and colleges throughout the world (including Argentina!). We feel the responsibility as college students, to not only make sure we ourselves are educated about human trafficking, but take it one step further and educate our peers, youth, and our community.

Our Mission

Live2Free exists to challenge our generation to make personal choices that recognize the dignity of the individual, the responsibility of consumers to slow the demand that drives modern-day slavery, and to network with others to rescue, rebuild and restore broken lives of victims worldwide.


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